Wednesday, 21 January 2015


In the ever-changing business world, core values are constant. They are not descriptions of the work we do or the strategies a company employs to accomplish its mission. They actually define the framework in which employees go about their work and the way they are expected to interact with and treat other stakeholders both inside and outside the organization.

A core value can be anything that the company does best, such as commitment to excellence, integrity or family environment.At Havilah Event Center, we have our core values listed above. Make sure that your company core values are in line with the industry you are operating in.

People don't tend to remember their company core values. It's because these values tend to have zero meaning to them. They tend to be reserved for management talk, where department heads talk about once in a while during speeches but is not usually translated down to the operational level. In fact, most organisations hire for competency, rather than for core values. They are not able to see the link of how core values can add to the bottom line of their organisation.

Core values play an important role in setting the goals and motives of a company. In business terms, core values are the rules, regulations, and guidelines that are to be followed to ensure the smooth running of the business. Which values a company adopts and how consistently they are followed, will influence how clients and employees perceive it. Unfortunately, there are numerous companies out there that seem to promote their values while behaving in complete disregard of them. Always remember that core values are the essence of the corporate culture and an expression of its personality.
What are your company core values?

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